Midlife Revolution: How brands can captivate & connect with this transformational audience

Your exclusive breakfast seminar invite to access new research exploring how brands can captivate and connect with midlife women.

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Brands, influencers and the media have a responsibility to drive change in how society represents midlife women. We’re tired of seeing the stereotypes and cliches, or even worse, the invisibility of this audience and are setting out to ignite faster change.

To do this we’ve conducted bespoke quant & qual research to identify the real needs and wants of this powerful audience, shattering the stereotypes and learning exactly how brands and media can better represent females between 45-54 in communications.

Join creative agency Southpaw, and media specialists The Kite Factory, on Thursday 18th July, as we reveal the findings from the research and discuss how brands can better connect and engage with Bloomers with a lively panel debate.

To sign up for this ticketed event, follow the EventBrite link: MidlifeRevolution.eventbrite.co.uk

What you'll come away with:

- The opportunity for brands: Why unlocking this audience is key for brand growth and engagement.

- The attitudinal position of midlife females: Why they feel the way they do about life and what they are seeking from brands.

- The key-takeouts: How brands can connect best with midlife females, and clear actions to implement in your marketing plans.

The agenda:

09.00 - 09.30: Registration & Breakfast
09.30 - 10.15: Research Presentation
10.15 - 10.45: Panel Discussion
10.45 - 11.00: Q&A
11.00 - 11.30: Networking

Meet the speakers & panellists:

To sign up for this ticketed event, follow the EventBrite link: MidlifeRevolution.eventbrite.co.uk